Horse Bitting Clinics

Have a look at our upcoming clinics or enquire about booking your own Bitting Clinic anywhere in the UK or internationally

About Our Horse Bitting Clinics

We run regular bitting clinics throughout the UK and internationally.

With a clinic, horse bitting expert Gill will bring her vast experience and expertise directly to you. Horses and their riders will be evaluated in a hands-on session, after which Gill will make recommendations on the best bit for your horse.

Why not host a clinic? - Discounted rates for groups

Discounts for groups. Please contact for prices based on area and numbers
  • Groups of 6 upwards
  • Suggested numbers min 4 max 10 in one day
  • Clinics can be held anywhere in the country
  • Full price is calculated on numbers and location
  • Payment in full
  • (Shared travel charge may apply depending on location)
Bitting Clinic Steps


Horse mouth conformation assessment.


Pre bitting requisite form completed – riders input and brief history of horse.


Ridden section – horse in normal equipment (horse must be able to work in trot but not necessarily canter).


Bit options discussed and explained and changes made.


Final appraisal of improvement and bit choice. 


Bit details and completed Bitting form and suggested transitioning recommendations.

See what our customers are saying.

Upcoming clinics

Sorry no clinics scheduled currently.
More coming soon.

Enquire about a clinic

If you have any questions or would like to enquire about hosting a private horse bitting clinic at your venue, then get in touch using the details below or fill in the form.

3 part course
2 Live Zoom modules
1 Interactive Practical Day with test case horse and riders

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