Professionals Bitting Course

Boost your equestrian expertise and benefit from additional income

About Our Professionals Courses

3 MODULES each containing expansive and detailed coverage of the Bitting process.

PRACTICAL DAY – Case study horse and rider day.

You will be working with Gill to assess the horse, evaluate evasion, and make bit selections appropriately.

See the effects for both horse and rider in this valuable ‘hands-on’ practical day.

Upcoming Professionals Courses

HBA professionals course- May 2025
HBA – Professionals Course – May 2025


  • Paid in full to secure your place. 3 part course structure
  • 2 Zoom Webinars
  • Practical day with test case riders
  • Workbook
Professional course Steps
Webinar 1: Introduction to the fundamentals of bitting


Introduction from Gill Batt – The ethos behind HBA and fundamental steps to understanding more about Bits and Bitting. How it can be a bonus to your existing equestrian enterprises.


Facial anatomy assessment and why and how it will affect your bit choices and the effects to the whole horse.


Facial anatomy assessment and why it will affect your bit choices, shape and action. 


Evasion – recognizing and understanding why your horse is compensating or feeling compromised by the bit and how it affects the rider. There are obvious evasions and some subtle ones that you may not have connected to the bit. 

Webinar 2 - Ridden assessment of bit, evasion and consequence.


Existing tack – how the incorrect bit can affect other considerations in conjunction with bitting, such as bridle and saddle fit. Highlighting common problems and the correlation of how it could be contributing to recurring body issues, stiffness, soreness and temperament changes.


Discussing what is appropriate to generate better possibilities to achieve a more stable consistent contact and connection. Promotion of soft supple and relaxed movement in line with the scales of training.


Basic snaffle choices, their actions of both mouthpiece and cheekpiece options. How to combine the two to get the best outcome for both horse and rider.


Ascertaining what it is that the rider would most like to change or improve upon. Recognising and cementing the improvement and relaying suggested transitioning advice.


How to integrate Bitting to your existing business. Recommended bits selection to begin your Bitting journey.

Practical in-person day with Test case Horse and riders

This is the pinnacle of the course where it all comes together and makes complete sense.

Gill will guide you through the facial assessment and the ridden and bit changes process.

She will be discussing all that she sees and is taking into consideration, commenting on rider response and what the horse can offer and the physiological improvements and talking through bit choices and the difference in their actions. 

See what our customers are saying.

Enquire about a professionals course

If you have any questions or would like to enquire about arranging a private bitting course, then get in touch using the details below or fill in the form.

3 part course
2 Live Zoom modules
1 Interactive Practical Day with test case horse and riders

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